

Software Engineer, Full-stack Developer

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Who’s Timmy?

Hey there - I’m Timmy! I am a software engineer whose current experience primarily revolves around developing full-stack web apps. I’m always seeking new endeavors to grow myself as an engineer, and thanks to the open source community there’s tons of projects to contribute and collaborate on, or even create and share myself!

Most recently I worked on Swell, an open source API development tool built with electron that enables developers to create and test mock connections with various streaming protocols. Please check out my team and I’s article here!

Other than creating and developing, I’m also super passionate about movies, video games, cooking, bodybuilding, and running. I personally find that exploring creative pursuits outside of work along with rigorous exercise complements the cerebral work of a developer.

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React iconNextJS iconTailwind icon
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MongoDB iconPosgresql iconJest icon
Webpack iconVite icon

My Projects

Swell logo


An API development tool

Made by developers, for developers

AllPacka logo


AIO trip organizer

Planning has never been easier

MatchTrackr logo

Currently Working On:


Esports tracker for gamers

Stay in the game

LinkUp logo


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Connections made easier